Main Thrust Areas of Activities |
1. University Staff Development
- Subject Specialists (M.Sc/ M.Phil/Ph.D.)
- Develop sub-professional support staff
- Organize Short/Refresher Training
2. Development of Infrastructure
- Renovate/Complete Clinical Facilities
- Update of Practical Training Facilities
- Establish Quality Control Labs. (feed, drugs, vaccines, products)
- Update/Equip Disease Diagnostic Labs.
- Equip/Construct Research Labs.
- Construct Livestock/Poultry/Fish Farms and Experimental Stations
- Computerization and Networking of Different Units
- Construct Slaughter House, Dairy Products Plants and Processing Units of Animal Products and Byproducts.
3. Development of Research Programs in Different Disciplines
a) Breed Improvement/development Programs
- Production of Progeny Tested Sires
- Preservation of Buffalo Bull Semen
- Protocols for Embryo Transfer Work
- Germ Cell Sexing/Embryo Splitting
- Genes Mapping/Cloning
b) Disease Diagnostics and Control Programs
- Isolation and Preservation of Disease Causing Agents
- Improvement/Development of Vaccines using Biotechnology
- Study epidemiology of important animal diseases.
c) Feed and Forage Research
- Appropriate Technology For Forage Conservation
- High Yielding Multi-cut Forage Varieties
- Evaluation of Non-conventional Feed Resources
- Mineral Mapping of soils of Punjab
- Development of Fish/ Pet animals Feeds
d) Food Products/Livestock By-Products
- Processing of dairy products
- Poultry Production
- Meat Cuts & Grading
- Slaughter house by-products (Casing, Fat, Blood, Bones & Skins)
- Leather and Wool Technology
e) Pet Animals and Recreational Activities
- Hatchery for Pet Birds
- Training, Breeding & Trading of Pet Animal
- Indoor Facility for Pet Keeping
- Housing & Management of Pet Birds and Fish
4. Solicit Support Funding
- At University Level: Trough Professional/Consultancy Services
- At Local/National Level:
- Provincial Government
- Federal Government: HEC, MINFAL, S&T
- Other Federal Agencies: PARC, Science Foundation
- Professional Organization: PPA, PDA, Idara-e-Kissan, etc.
- Stake Holders
- Animal/Pet Lovers
- University's Alumni
- At International Level: FAO, UNDP, IFAD, JICA, GTZ, etc.
- Collaborations with different Universities