Directorate of University Advancement & Financial Aid |
Student Advancement Fund Endowment (SAFE)Objectives of SAFE
The goal of the Student Advancement Fund Endowment (SAFE) is to promote higher education in Pakistan by increasing the access to University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences. SAFE will achieve this goal by establishing the endowment fund dedicated to provide scholarships and financial aid to needy students. The Endowment Fund will be invested in guaranteed income instruments such as government bonds. Only half of the gains, at the end of each year will be used for scholarships. The other half of the gains together with the principal will be reinvested so that SAFE becomes a source of awarding scholarships in perpetuity. The scholarship programs supported by the Fund will ensure that talented students are not deprived of their education because of their financial status and will have a chance to excel in their studies while attending University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences. The Student Advancement Fund Endowment will ensure a continuous and stable source of funding scholarship program that would support student advancement. ACTIVITIESThe Student Advancement Fund Endowment will achieve its goal and objectives by establishing a Board of Trustees that will manage and oversee the endowment fund according to the rules and restrictions of the endowment. 1- Student Advancement Fund Endowment ManagementStudent Advancement Fund Endowment Bank Account Information DonorsMajor contributors of a scholarship fund will be notified annually when the scholarship recipients have been selected and are informed of the names and hometown of the recipients (if wished so), as well as the amount of the award. Donation of one million or more rupees can be named after the donor or his/her desired name/s. Named funds can be further grouped by minimum target levels in order to have donors aspire to larger contributions (such as: Titanium, Platinum, Silver, Gold levels). 2- Fundraising ActivitiesUniversity of Veterinary & Animal Sciences will develop a strategic plan to promote and expand the endowment fund. One way of doing this is to set up a planned giving program for donors, including individual and corporate establishments. Encouraging one time donations and bequests are also effective tools for raising funds. The endowment must be operated in a professional and transparent manner, with clear financial statements that can be available and accountable to reassure and encourage donors. Other fundraising activities may include annual campaigns involving students, alumni, and faculty of the University. This support campaign can organize a SAFE Fundraising Week each Spring/Fall to raise at least Rs.1000 per student attending the university. This amount will increase incrementally each year by Rs. 250 per student, making the second year target. The funds can be raised from the community, including local businesses, individual or corporate donors or financial support from community members. Other fundraising programs can be designed to target alumni, local and national businesses as well as international organizations and non-profits. Regardless of the source of donation, the Board of Trustees must ensure fundraising policies that would increase the value of the endowment fund principal. Some of the ways to make a donation are:
3- Public AwarenessIt is important to increase public awareness for the need to invest in higher education and support needy talented students. For this purpose, SAFE may organize annual meetings, public relation campaigns such as publish newsletters and information on students already supported by the scholarship program or students in need to receive financial aid. The objectives of these activities are to enhance the level of understanding within the general public about the importance of contributions in higher education, encourage individual and institutional participants to donate funds toward SAFE, and to foster community links that promote better understanding of how higher education serves the public good. These activities may include visual, printed and online media, open public meetings, community involvement, as well as campaigns that will lead to participation of businesses, entrepreneurs, and other employers. 4- BeneficiariesEach beneficiary (recipient) of the student scholarship may sign an honorary agreement to return voluntarily an amount twice equivalent (received) to SAFE within 10 years of gainful employment. On one hand the student will benefit from the scholarship program that will enable him/her to receive a degree from University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences. On the other hand, the student upon being employed successfully can donate to SAFE twice the equivalent of the amount of scholarship ensuring the availability of funds for future scholarship programs. In addition to increasing SAFE funds and the number of awarded scholarships each year, this scheme will increase the number of donors by adding alumni as well as guarantee traditional donors for a more sustainable investment.