Directorate of University Advancement & Financial Aid |
UVAS Policy for Donations
Existing Terms and Conditions |
- The University Merit Scholarship will be admissible to students who are admitted on the open merit basis irrespective of Province. Provided that the students should not fall under the category of nominee / quota of any Province.
- The Meeting of scholarship Award Committee for the award of Merit Scholarship will be held after declaration of spring semester results by the Controller of Examinations.
- The awardees will draw their payments through crossed cheques / banks accounts, to be used / transferred by the Treasurer’s office after fulfilling the codal formalities.
- (a) The Merit Scholarship will be awarded to undergraduate students to top three (03) position holders @ Rs.50,000/- to 1st position holder Rs.40,000/- to 2nd position holder and Rs. 30,000/- to 3rd position holder students of each degree of each class.
(b) The Merit Scholarship will be awarded to M.Sc. students to top three (03) position holders @ Rs.25,000/- to 1st position holder Rs.20,000/- to 2nd position holder and Rs. 15,000/- to 3rd position holder students of each degree of each class.
Explanation: if topper student is receiving any other scholarship Merit and gives option to receive scholarship other than merit then the merit scholarship will be awarded to the next eligible student.
- Merit will be determined after combining the result of morning and evening degree programs.
- The candidate will not employee of this university or any other department.
- The recipient is not involved in any act of discipline / misconduct at UVAS.
If he/she will involve and university disciplinary committee starts the inquiry then his /her scholarships will be hold till the final decision of university disciplinary committee and if found guilty his/her scholarship will be discontinued and if didn’t found guilty, he has to provide the decision of University Disciplinary Committee to office of Financial Aid for the release of arrears and for the continuity of his /her scholarship.
- A student shall not be allowed to receive more than one scholarship at a time. However, if two scholarships are awarded at the same time to student, the students shall exercise his option for any of the scholarship offered to him on consent form within 15 days from the award of scholarship.
- Undergraduate Degree Programs
(BS (Hons.), DVM, Pharm.D) At the undergraduate level merit of 1st year will be determined on the basis of previous year exams of F.Sc / equivalent on the basis of percentage of marks obtained and in 2nd year on the basis of percentage of marks obtained of 1st and 2nd semester and in 3rd year on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in 3rd and 4th semester and in 4th year of marks obtained of 5th and 6th semester (in case of BS (Hons) and final year percentage of marks obtained of 7th and 8th semester in case of DVM and Pharm.D.
- The students only having A & B grades in all subjects will be eligible for merit scholarship.
- The students having C grades will not be eligible for merit scholarship.
- The students of Pharm. D will have to pass English subject to become eligible for merit scholarship.
- MBA One Merit Scholarship @Rs.30,000/- will be awarded to all the MBA degree / programs (1st position holder) per annum on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in pervious exam in 1st year and in 2nd year on the basis of percentage of marks obtained of 1st and 2nd semester (in case of two year MBA/MBF) and in 3rd year on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in 3rd and 4th semester and in 4th year of marks obtained of 5th and 6th semester in case of 3.5 year MBA.
- M.Phil Two Merit Scholarship @Rs.30,000/- each will be awarded to all the M.Phil degree programs (1st and 2nd position holder) per annum admitted in regular admission on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in pervious exam in 1st year and on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in 1st and 2nd semester including / combining the marks of deficiency courses.
- One Merit scholarship @Rs.30,000/- will be awarded to all the M. Phil degree programs (1st position holder) per annum admitted in inter semester admission on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in pervious exam in 1st year and on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in 1st and 2nd semester including combining the marks of deficiency courses.
- Note: Since the scholarships are to be awarded in the 1st year to undergraduate / postgraduate students on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in the last exam / degree. Those students who have improved their marks or do not have fresh last degree will not be eligible for the award of Merit Scholarships.
- The merit scholarship in 1st year will be awarded after the enrollment of 2nd semester
- Extra marks for Hafiz-e-Quran students will not be considered for the award of merit scholarship
Existing Terms and Conditions |
- Application for the award of financial assistance should be on the plain paper or on the prescribed form by the donor(s).
- Applications should be routed through the Tutor /Senior Tutor with specific recommendations of concerned Dean and should be submitted in the office of Financial Aid.
- An annual income certificate signed by the Member of the Union Council concerned (putting his stamps on it) regarding approximate annual income will be accepted. However, if father / mother of the student are in regular employment of Government or an Autonomous Body or a Company, his /her income certificate or certified salary slip may be attached with the application.
- The students who are already receipt of Government / University Merit scholarship are not eligible for financial assistance.
- The selection of students for the award of financial assistance will be done by the University Scholarship Award Committee.
- He /She shall maintain in required CGPA not below 2.50.
If he/she will maintain CGPA below than 2.50 or fails in any subject during the award period, his/her financial support/scholarship will be cancelled for subsequent semesters.
- The recipient is not involved in any act disciplinary / misconduct at UVAS.
If he/she will involve and university disciplinary committee starts the inquiry then his /her scholarships will be hold till the final decision of university disciplinary committee and if found guilty his/her scholarship will be discontinued and if didn’t found guilty, he had to provide the decision of University Disciplinary Committee to office of Financial Aid for the release of arrears and for the continuity of his /her scholarship.
- The financial assistance is only for the current academic year while, on the availability of funds the SAC will decide to continue the existing scholarship.
- A student shall not be allowed to receive more than one scholarship at a time. However, if two scholarships are awarded at the same time to student, the student shall exercise his option for any of the scholarship offered to him on consent form within 15 days from the award of scholarships.
- The admissions of evening classes are purely on self-finance basis and the dues are much higher than regular admissions. Therefore, those students who will take admission on self-finance based will not be eligible for financial assistance.
Note: SAC already has decided in its meeting dated 24-09-2012 that, Evening students of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs will not be eligible for HEC Need Based Scholarship.
- Special cases will be examined by the SAC and scholarship’s grant will be decided after the consent of donor(s).
- Those students who will discontinue or freeze their studies (except illness or accidental cases) will not eligible for financial assistance till duration of discontinuity.
- Those students who will discontinue / freeze due to illness / accidental cases will submit the documented evidence (Medical certificate), subject to inform to office of Financial Aid.
- List of recommended students for scholarship will be displayed on university website and notice boards.
- If any student will provide the misleading information and found in fraudulent activities by the office of Financial Aid, his/her scholarship will be hold on immediate bases and a report will be forwarded to his /her tutor / Senior tutor concern Dean / Director, Director Student Affairs and SAC may be declared him / her as blacklisted for any financial assistance for his / her academic session and for his / her act will be mention in character certificate.
- The student(s) from evening classes will be allowed to avail the financial assistance from UVAS Zakat Fund if:-
- The parent (who is earning hand) of a student dies (subject to the provision of Death Certificate) during his/ her enrollment at UVAS.
- He/ She is enrolled in Livestock Assistance Diploma