All male and female students on the roll of the University, who are not resident of Lahore city, are provided with on campus residence. Seats in the hostels are provided on the basis of academic performance, length of stay in the hostel and good conduct of the student. There are six residential halls, which have been named as Iqbal Hall, Jinnah Hall, Tipu Hall, Sir Syed Hall, Seth Sarwar Hall and a Fatima Hostel. These halls provide excellent accommodation for about 300 students. There is provision of dormitories, cubical and bi-seater accomodation. There are two student run messes/tuck shops where eatables are available. Common room facilities including indoor games, T.V. etc. are available in these hostels. Residents requiring medical advice may approach to the University Medical Officer, at the Dispensary on the main campus. Four superintendents & four resident hall tutors are working under the supervision and guidance of a Hall Warden for the smooth working on hostel affairs. A computer laboratory in Iqbal Hall is available for use by the students.
Iqbal Hall
Jinnah Hall
Tippu Hall
Seth Sarwar Hall
Sir Syed Hall
Fatima Hall
It is the oldest hall at the campus and can be called the home of pioneer veternarinas. The hall has recently been renovated having a total capacity of 162 students. The hall consist of 29 Dormatories, 1 biseater, 12 cubicals. The hall has got a well equipped IT lab, a mess and a common room.
The hall has been recently renovated and expanded with construction of ist floor.
Jinnah hall has the total capacity of about 182 students and comprising of 18 dormatories, 44 biseaters, 3 cubicals. The hall has also got a mess, a TV room and a badminton court.
The hall is also recently renovated. It has got the capacity of 50 students comprising of 5 Dormatories and 5 triseaters.
This is the newly constructed hall with a modern look and specified for post graduate students. The hall has the capacity of 96 students and comprised of 48 biseaters, a mess and a common room.
This hall is specified for girls with maximum capacity of 30 students. Ist floor of the hall is under construction to expand the capacity upto 60 in future. Fatima hall has also got an extension situated inside the university campus to accommodate extra students.
MESS FACILITIES: There is one mess in each of the hostel except Tippu Hall and Sir Syed Hall providing best quality services at affordable rates. Each mess in controlled by mess committees formed of students selected on merit basis. The mess committee is responsible to keep a check on food quality, hygiene, menu, prices and other related matters.
INTERNET LAB: The hostel is facilitated with a modern internet lab providing free access to the digital library, search. Scanning, printing. The lab remains open from 3 pm to 10 pm.
TV ROOMS: To keep the students updated with national and international affairs the hostel has got TV rooms at Jinnah Hall, Seth Sarwar hall and Fatima Hall.
COMMON ROOM: The hostel has also got facilities of indoor games like table tennis, carom board, luddo etc at common rooms.
CAFETRIA & FRUIT SHOP: The hostel has got a cafeteria and a fruit shop being run by student bodies.
OTHER FACILITIES: Other facilities provided by the hostel are laundry, general store, PCO and photo copy.
INDOOR GAMES: facilities of indoor games like badminton, table tennis, volley ball are available at hostel.
MOSQUE: An air conditioned beautiful mosque is situated near the main gate of hostel.
