Mr. Abdur Rahman
Ph. D (AKU Turkey), M.Phil (UVAS), DVM (UVAS)
Associate Professor (Animal Nutrition)
Tel: 92-47-7671260 Mobile: 00923464607300
HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
Dr. Abdur Rahman is Assistant Professor in the department of Animal Sciences, Animal Nutrition section at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang (Sub Campus UVAS, Lahore) and holds PhD degree (AKU Turkey) in Animal Nutrition. He has started his carrier as Graduate Trainee Agri services in Engro food in December 2009. He joined UVAS in February 2010 as faculty member and performing his duties diligently. He is actively engaged in teaching and research. He has published many research papers in international and national journals and presented his research work in international conferences.
Area of Interest
Ruminant Nutrition
- Use of some non-conventional feed stuff in livestock nutrition
- Industrial byproducts evaluation and incorporation in livestock feeds
Poultry nutrition
- Use of Phtytobiotics as an alternative to antibiotics
- Use of plant products to improve immunity, performance and egg quality
- Use of prebiotics in poultry nutrition
- Perspectives on Water Usage for Biofuels Production. Springer. 2018. Muhammad Arshad, Ijaz Bano, Muhammad Younus, Ammanullah Khan and Abdur Rahman. Chapter 5 Health Concerns Associated with Biofuel Production.
- Tamoor Azeem, Zaib-Ur-Rehmanb, Sajid Umar, Muhammad Asif, Muhammad Arif, Abdur Rahman: 2014. Effect of Nigella Sativa on poultry health and production: A review. SCIENCE LETTERS., 2014 | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | Pages 76-82
- Abdur Rahman, Saima, Talat Naseer Pasha, Muhammad Younus, Yassar Abbas and Yasir Allah Ditta. 2014. Effect of Multi-Enzymes Supplementation on Growth Performance of Broiler. Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 46(2), pp. 417-422.
- Mubarik Mahmood, Abdur Rahman, Saima, Muhammad Akram, Talat Naseer Pasha and Makhdoom Abdul Jabbar. Effect of Dietary Energy Levels on Growth Performance and Feed Cost Analysis in Japanese Quail. Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 46(5), pp. 1357-1362, 2014.
- S. Khanum, M.-ur-Nisa, M.Sarwar, M. Younas and A. Rahman. 2014. Influence of replacement of concentrates with enzose (cornDextrose) and corn steep liquor on nutrient digestibility in nili Ravi buffalo bulls. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 24(Suppl. 1): 44-47.
- Abdur Rahman, Ismail Bayram, Sadia Khanum, Sami Ullah. 2015.Use and Calibration of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in Feed Analysis: A Mini Review. Pak. j. life soc. Sci. (2015), 13(1): 1‐7.
- Muhammad Irfan Khan, Saeed Ahmad, Abdur Rahman, Anjum Khaleeq, NisarAhmad, Sajid Umar. 2015. Comparative Efficacy of Urea and Slow-Release Non-Protein Nitrogen on Performance Of Nili-Ravi Buffalo Calves. Accepted in Pak J Zoology.
- Saeed Ahmed, Muhammad Mehran1, Anjum Khalique, Khalid Javed, Abdur Rahman, Sajid Umar, Sami Ullah. Cumulative effect of phytase and vitamin D supplementation on performance and bone mineralization in broiler. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 2015, 31, 2, 102-108.
- T. Bulbul1, A. Rahman, and V. Ozdemir. 2015. EFFECT OF FALSE FLAX MEAL ON CERTAIN GROWTH, SERUM AND MEAT PARAMETERS OF JAPANESE QUAILS. J. Anim. Plant Sci. 25(5):2015.
- Abdur Rahman, Saima, Talat Naseer Pasha, Muhammad Akram. Yassar Abbas, Sami Ullah. Supplementation of exogenous enzymes and organic acid in broiler diets. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 2015, 31, 3, 163-169.
- Y. Abbas, A. W. Sahota, M. Akram, S. Mehmood, J. Hussain, M. Younus1, M. M. Awais and A. R. Sial. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FEED RESTRICTION REGIMES ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF JAPANESE QUAILS. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25(4): 2015, Page: 966-970.
- Tuba BULBUL, Aziz BULBUL, Elmas ULUTAS, Vural OZDEMIR, Abdur RAHMAN. Effects of Combined Safflower and Sunflower Meals on Performance and Egg Quality Parameters in Quail. Journal of Bahri Dagdas Animal Research 3 (1):16-25, 2015.
- Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul, Ismail Bayram, Ismail Kucukkurt, Abdil Burhaneddin Akkaya, Cangir Uyarlar, Mehmet Yardimci, Eyup Eren Gultepe and Abdur Rahman. 2016. Effect of Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) Supplementation on Carcass Yield, Meat Taste, Heart Weight, Liver Weight and Some Blood Parameters in Laying Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica). Indian Journal of Animal Research. 50:4, 512-517.
- Abdur Rahman, Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul, Ismail Bayram, Cangir Uyarlar, Eyup Eren Gultepe, Hikmet Keles, Aykut Ulucan. 2015. Effect of Mentha piperita on some Morphological Characteristics of Intestine in Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) (3). Archiva Zootechnica. 18(20), 53-60.
- Saeed Ahmed1,* Madiha Gohar,1 Anjum Khalique,1 Nisar Ahmad,2 Faisal Shahzad, Burhan-e-Azam,4 Abdur Rahman and Muhammad Irfan Khan1.Effect of Supplementation of Rumen Protected Lysine and Methionine on Production Performance, Milk and Blood Parameters of Early Lactating Nili-Ravi Buffaloes. J. Zool., vol. 48(2), pp. 359-363, 2016.
- Saeed Ahmed, Talat Naseer Pasha, Anjum Khalique, Makhdom Abdul Jabbar, Abdur Rahman, Muhammad Irfan Khan: Application of Different Chemical and Biochemical Treatments to Improve Nutritive Potential of Defatted Rice Polishing. Pak. j. life soc. Sci. (2016), 14(1): 24-27.
- A. Alam,R. Naseer,A.S. Hashmi, S. Naveed and A. Rahman. 2016. Delignification of Rice Husk by Organosolv Treatment to Increase its In-Vitro Digestibility. Pakistan Journal of Science (Vol. 68 No.3 September, 2016) 268-271.
- A. Shafiq, F. Masood, R. Naseer, S. Naveed, I.G Rasool and A. Rahman. 2016. Production, Purification and Characterization of Laccase from White Rot Fungus. Pakistan Journal of Science (Vol. 68 No.3 September, 2016) 259-267.
- Abdur RAHMAN, Eyup Eren GULTEPE, Cangir UYARLAR, Ibrahim Sadi CETINGUL Aamir IQBAL, Ismail BAYRAM. 2017. Effect of Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Extract and its Juice on Egg Quality Traits during Different Storage Time in Laying Hens. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal. DOI: 02189860043445/10.5578/ kvj.48602.
- M. A. Iqbal, S. Naveed, T.N. Pasha, R. Naseer, A. Mahmud, A. Rahman and Y. A Ditta. 2017. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT TREATMENTS ON TANNIN CONTENTS OF SORGHUM GRAIN CULTIVARS. Pakistan Journal of Science (Vol. 69 No. 1 March, 2017).
- Kanwal Rafique, Abdur Rahman* and Mubarik Mahmood. 2017. Effect of dietary supplementation of different levels of saccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance and hematology in broiler. IJAR. DOI: 10.18805/ijar.B-695.
- Abdur Rahman, Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul, Ismail Bayram, Cangir Uyarlar, Abdil Burhaneddin Akkaya, Eyup Eren Gultepe, Hikmet Keles, Aykut Ulucan, Zafar Hayat. Effect of supplementation of Oregano (Origanum Onites) Dried Leaves on the Intestinal Properties in Japanese Quails. PJZ. 2018. Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 50(4), pp 1-4, 2018.
- Mehmet Yardımci, Cangir Uyarlar, Eyüp Eren Gültepe, İsmail Bayram, Abdur Rahman, Bilal Çankırı and İbrahim Sadi Çetingül. 2018. Comparison of milk yield parameters of imported Estonian and American Holsteins in response to same sire insemination. Indian J. Anim. Res., DOI: 10.18805/ijar.B-860.
- EE Gultepe, I.S. Cetingul, C. Uyarlar, Amir Iqbal, A. Rahman, Süleyman Hacısalihoğlu, Ümit Özçınar, I. bayram. 2018 . Effects of Pistacia terebinthus seed meal and different storage times on egg quality of laying hens. Brazilian Journal of Animal Science. R. Bras. Zootec., 47:e20170322, 2018
- Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul, Abdur Rahman, Cangir Uyarlar, Abdul Burhanettin Akkaya, Eyup Eren Gultepe, Aykut Ulucan, Ismail Bayram. 2019. Effects of dietary supplementation of kefir on body measurements, visceral organs weight and gut morphology in geese. R. Bras. Zootec.
- Muhammad Jawad Khan, Akhtar Rasool Asif,Nisar Ahmad, Ali Haider Saleem, Khalid Javed, Humera Amin, Abdur Rahman, Shuhong Zhao, Zulfiqar Ahmad, Muhammad Abdul Jabbar and Sayeed Aun Muhammad. 2019. EFFECT OF YEAST SUPPLEMENTATION ON GROWTH AND PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE IN BEETAL GOATS. Pak J. Agri. Sci. DOI: 10.21162/PAKJAS/20.3925
- Elmas Ulutaş, Abdullah Eryavuz, Aziz Bülbül, Abdur Rahman, İsmail Küçükkurt, Cangir Uyarlar. 2019. Effect of Graded Levels of Zinc Supplementation on Rumen Physiology, Haematological and Biochemical Parameters in Goats. 2019. Pak J Zoology. 53 (3): 977-988
- I. S. Çetingül, E. E. Gültepe, A. Rahman, A. Iqbal, C. Uyarlar, S. Hacısalihoğlu, Ü. Özçınar & I. Bayram. Pistacia terebinthus as a dietary supplement for laying hens. 2020. SAJAS.
- Mian Nazir SHAH, Aamir IQBAL, Muhammad RIAZ, Samiullah KHAN, Muhammad Tahir KHAN, Abdur Rahman SIAL, Ismail BAYRAM. 2019. Effect of Graded Supplementation Levels of Golden Chain Tree (Cassia Fistula L.) Leaves on Feed Intake, Nutrients Digestibility and Plasma Lipids Profile in Growing Rabbits. Ataturk University Journal of Veterinary Science. 14(3): 263 272.
- Kinza Saleem, Saima, Abdur Rahman, TN Pasha, Athar Mahmud. 2020. Effects of dietary organic acids on performance, cecal microbiota, and gut morphology in broilers. Tropical Animal health and Production. 10.1007/s11250-020-02396-2
- Abdur Rahman, Ismail Bayram, Sadia Khanum and Sami Ullah. Use and Calibration of Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in Feed Analysis: Abstract proceedings, International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress (ILDPC), Lahore, Pakistan, March 11-12, 2014.
- Tuba Bülbül, Abdur Rahman: Effect of dietary false flax (camelina sativa l.) Meal supplementation on growth performance and carcass characteristics of quails. AGRIBALKAN CONGRESS , 8-10 Sep, 2014 Edirne, Turkey.
- A. Rahman, Saima T.N. Pasha, M. Akram, A.D. Yasir and SHAH Nawaz. Supplementation Of Exogenous Enzymes and Organic Acid in Broiler Diets. Federation of Asian Veterinary Association (FAVA) 28-30, Nov. 2014 at Singapore.
- Abdur RAHMAN, Ismail BAYRAM. Nutritional comparison of buffalo vs cow milk and milk products: A short thought provoking campaign for buffalo production. Asian Buffalo Congress Istanbul, Turkey. PP. 133, 21-25 April 2015.
- Tuba BULBUL, Aziz BULBUL, Abdur RAHMAN, Sadia Khanum. The use of aromatic herbs and extracts in broiler farming. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.3 pp.4.
- Tuba BULBUL, Aziz BULBUL, Abdur RAHMAN, Yassar Abbas. Evaluation of camelina Sativa (L) as an alternative protein source in ruminant rations. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.7. pp.9
- Abdur Rahman, Tuba Bulbul, Yassar Abbas. Factors affecting the feed intake of buffalos in lactation and dry period. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.27. pp.38
- Abdur Rahman, Ismail BAYRAM, Sadi Cetingul, Mubarik Mahmood. Use of immune stimulants in Transition dairy cows: A mini Review. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.36. pp.49
- Muhammad Irfan KHAN, Saeed AHMAD, Anjum KHALIQUE, Nisar AHMAD, Sajid UMAR, Abdur RAHMAN, Sami ULLAH. Comparative efficacy of urea and slow-release non protein nitrogen on performance of Nili-Ravi buffalo calves. Asian Buffalo Congress Istanbul, Turkey. PP. 50, 21-25 April 2015.
- Abdur Rahman, Rana Muhammad Atif, Anjum Khalique, Muhammad Nasir, Muhammad Akram and Sami Ullah. The effect of different levels of lysine on performance and serum chemistry in sexed broilers. International Poultry Meet Congress. Antalya, Turkey. 22-26, April 2015.
- Abdur Rahman, Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul, Ismail Bayram, Cangir Uyarlar, Eyup Eren Gultepe, Hikmet Keles, Aykut Ulucan. Effect of Mentha piperita on some Morphological Characteristics of Intestine in Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) (3). “13th International symposium of Animal Biology and Nutrition”. 15-16 October 2015, at National Research and Development Institute for Agricultural Biology and Nutrition, Balotesti, Romania.
- Abdur Rahman, Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul, Ismail Bayram, Cangir Uyarlar, Abdil Burhaneddin Akkaya, Eyup Eren Gultepe, Hikmet Keles, Aykut Ulucan, Saima Naveed. Effect of supplementation of Oregano (Origanum Onites) Dried Leaves on the Properties in Japanese Quails (3). International Poultry Nutrition Conference. 3-4 November 2015 at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore-Pakistan.
- Rana M. Atif, Anjum Khalique, M. Nasir, M. Akram, Abdur Rahman, Mubarik Mahmood. The effect of different levels of lysine on body measurements in sexed broilers. International Poultry Nutrition Conference. 3-4 November 2015 at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore-Pakistan.
- I. bayram, I.S. Cetingul, C. Uyarlar, EE Gultepe, Abdur Rahman.. 2016. The effect of addition of Digestarom dairy to dairy cows during dry period on the immunity of calf. International congress on advances in veterinary sciences and technics (ICAVST). 2016. Bosnia.
- Saeed Ahmed , Talat Naseer Pasha, Anjum Khalique, Makhdom Abdul Jabbar, Abdur Rahman, Muhammad Irfan Khan. Application of Different Chemical and Biochemical Treatments to Improve Nutritive Potential of Defatted Rice Polishing. 2016. ILDPC 16-17 March Expo Center Lahore.
- I. bayram, I.S. Cetingul, C. Uyarlar, EE Gultepe, Abdur Rahman. 2016. Effects of subclinical and clinical ketosis on the incidence of mastitis and metritis, culling rate, and some hematological parameters in dairy cows. International congress on advances in veterinary sciences and technics (ICAVST). 2016. Bosnia.
- Abdur Rahman, Aamir Iqbal, Ismail Bayram. 2017. Use of tomato and its by-products as alternative feed resources and their nutritive value for livestock. International Livestock Nutrition Summit, 21-22 February 2017. UVAS, Lahore. Pp.34.
- Mubarik Mahmood, Saima, Kanwal Rafique, Abdur Rahman, M. Zahid Farooq, Aftab Hussain. 2017. Effect of feeding glycerol on healthy and economical milk production in ruminants. International Livestock Nutrition Summit, 21-22 February 2017. UVAS, Lahore. Pp.75.
- I. bayram, I.S. Cetingul, C. Uyarlar, EE Gultepe, A. R. Sial. 2017. The effect of addition of digestarom dairy to dairy cows during dry period on IgG levels. International Livestock Nutrition Summit, 21-22 February 2017. UVAS, Lahore. Pp.3.
- Abdur Rahman, I. bayram, EE Gultepe, C. Uyarlar, Amir Iqbal, Süleyman Hacısalihoğlu, Ümit Özçınar, I.S. Cetingul. 2017. Dietary inclusion of Pistacia terebinthus (terebinth) seed in layer diet and its impact on internal egg quality parameters during different storage time. 7Th International Veterinary Congress. Held in Paris on 04-05 September 2017 at Novotel MARNE LA VALLÉE –France.
- Abdur Rahman*, Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul, Cangir Uyarlar, Abdul Burhanettin Akkaya, Eyup Eren Gultepe, Aykut Ulucan, Ismail Bayram. Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Kefir on Body Measurements, Giblet Weight and Gut Morphology in Geese. International Poultry Science Congress of WPSA Turkish Branch'2018-IPC 09-12 May 2018, Nigde, Turkey.
- Cangir UYARLAR, Eyüp Eren GÜLTEPE, Ibrahim Sadi ÇETINGÜL, Aamir IQBAL, Abdur RAHMAN, Süleyman HACISALIHOĞLU Effect of Pistacia Terebinthus Seed Meal on the Performance, Serological and Oxidative Parameters in Laying Hens. International Agricultural Science Congress 09-12 May 2018 Van/Turkey.
- E. Eren GÜLTEPE, İ. Sadi ÇETINGÜL, Cangir UYARLAR, Abdur RAHMAN, Aamir IQBAL, Ümit ÖZÇINAR, İsmail BAYRAM The Effect of Different Levels of Thyme (Oregano Onites) on Egg Quality Traits during Different Storage Time in Laying Hens. 2018. International Agricultural Science Congress 09-12 May 2018 Van/Turkey.
- Zafar Hayat, Abdur Rahman and M. Umar Farid. 2018. BIO-FORTIFICATION OF CHICKEN EGGS WITH LUTEIN AND THEIR IMPACT ON HUMAN HEALTH AND NUTRITION. 27-29 September 2018. Poultry Science Conference. Expo Center Lahore.
- A. Rahman, Z. Zahid, M. Asif, and Z. Hayat. Strategies to overcome methane production in buffalo: Its emission and demaging contribution in global warming. International Buffalo Congress. Organized by UVAS at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore. 18-19 Feb 2019.
- Abdur Rahman*, Zaman Zahid, Muhammad Asif, Ali Asadullah, Akhtar Rasool Asif, Zafar Hayat. Health benefits of camel milk and meat in human nutrition: In perspective of food security and changing climate. 4th International Conference on Food and Nutritional Security in changing climate. BZU, Multan. March 03-04, 2019.
- Abdur Rahman*, Zaman Zahid, Muhammad Asif, Ali Asadullah, Zafar Hayat, Akhtar Rasool Asif. 2019. Innovative ways in sustainable food supply through livestock products in perspective of malnutrition and climate change. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security under Changing Climate Scenarios (ICSA-2019). 3-5 April, 2019 at Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan.
- Abdur Rahman*, Zafar Hayat, Akhtar Rasool Asif, Zaman Zahid, Shah Nawaz. 2019. Assessment of nutritional requirements of indigenous camels for better health status and performance. National Camel Conference. June 25, 2019. UAF.
- Abdur Rahman, Muhammad Zaman Zahid*, Huma Kalsoom, Sadam Haider, Ali Asadullah, Muhammad Shahbaz Nutrigenomics: An advanced tool for nutrition and disease prevention in ruminants. 1st International Ruminant Nutrition Workshop. Nutrigenomics: An advanced tool for nutrition and disease prevention in ruminants. Oct 17-18, 2019, UVAS, Jhang Campus.
- Abdur Rahman, Huma Kalsoom, Sadia Khanum, Muhammad Sajid. 2020. Evaluation of dried citrus pulp based total mixed ration (TMR) for mutton (goat) production. International Congress on the Breeding of Sheep and Goats. 15-16 October 2020, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture at World Conference Center, Bonn Germany.
Oral presentation
- 6th Asian Buffalo Congress, Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore. 27-30 October 2009.
- Federation of Asian Veterinary Association (FAVA) 28-30, Nov. 2014 at Marina Bay sands, Singapore. (Oral Presentation)
- Asian Buffalo Congress Istanbul, Turkey. PP. 133, 21-25 April 2015. (Oral Presentation)
- International Poultry Meet Congress. Antalya, Turkey. 22-26, April 2015. (Oral Presentation)
- 13th International symposium of Animal Biology and Nutrition. 15-16 October 2015, at National Research and Development Institute for Agricultural Biology and Nutrition, Balotesti, Romania (Oral Presentation).
- International Poultry Expo, Lahore Expo Center. 22-24 September 2016.
- International Veterinary Pharmaceutical Expo, IVP Expo-2017, February 17-18, 2017
- International Poultry Expo, Lahore Expo Center. 24-26 August 2017.
- International Livestock Nutrition Summit, UVAS, Lahore. 21-22 February 2017
- 1st International Conference on poultry processing, held in University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore on 01-02 November 2017.
- 7Th International Veterinary Congress. Held in Paris on 04-05 September 2017 at Novotel MARNE LA VALLÉE –France
- International One Health Conference. Held in University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore on 13-15 November 2017.
- International Poultry Science Congress of WPSA Turkish Branch'2018-IPC, 09-12 May 2018. OHDU, Nigde, Turkey.
- Poultry Science Conference. Organized by University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore and PPA, Expo Center Lahore. 27-29 September 2018.
- 03 Days International Training Workshop on “Basic techniques in mesenchymal stem cell culture and toxicity assays” at University of Agriculture Faisalabad on 26-28 Feb 2019.
- International Congress on the Breeding of Sheep and Goats. 15-16 October 2020, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture at World Conference Center, Bonn Germany (Virtual presentation).
- Nutritional comparison of buffalo vs cow milk and milk products: A short thought provoking campaign for buffalo production. Asian Buffalo Congress Istanbul, Turkey. PP. 133, 21-25 April 2015.
- The use of aromatic herbs and extracts in broiler farming. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.3 pp.4.
- Evaluation of camelina Sativa (L) as an alternative protein source in ruminant rations. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.7. pp.9
- Factors affecting the feed intake of buffalos in lactation and dry period. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.27. pp.38
- Use of immune stimulants in Transition dairy cows: A mini Review. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.36. pp.49
- Use of tomato and its by-products as alternative feed resources and their nutritive value for livestock. International Livestock Nutrition Summit, 21-22 February 2017. UVAS, Lahore. Pp.34.
- Effect of feeding glycerol on healthy and economical milk production in ruminants. International Livestock Nutrition Summit, 21-22 February 2017. UVAS, Lahore. Pp.75.
- International Poultry EXPO 2017. EXPO center Lahore. 24-26 Aug 2017.
- 1st International Conference on Poultry Processing: Farm to Fork Management. 1-2 Nov 2017. Department of Pathology. UVAS, Lahore.
- Poultry Science Conference, 27-29 September 2018, Expo center Lahore.
- International Buffalo Congress. Organized by UVAS at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore. 18-19 Feb 2019.
- 4th International Conference on Food and Nutritional Security in changing climate. BZU, Multan. March 03-04, 2019.
- 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security under Changing Climate Scenarios (ICSA-2019). 3-5 April, 2019 at Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan.
- National Camel Conference. 25-06-2019, UAF.
- Poultry Science Conference, 13-15 September 2019, Expo center Lahore.
- 03 Days International Training Workshop on “Basic techniques in mesenchymal stem cell culture and toxicity assays” at University of Agriculture Faisalabad on 26-28 Feb 2019.
- “1st International Ruminant Nutrition Workshop” 17-18 Oct 2019 at CVAS, Jhang as organizing secretary of the event.
Poster presentation
- Nutritional comparison of buffalo vs cow milk and milk products: A short thought provoking campaign for buffalo production. Asian Buffalo Congress Istanbul, Turkey. PP. 133, 21-25 April 2015.
- The use of aromatic herbs and extracts in broiler farming. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.3 pp.4.
- Evaluation of camelina Sativa (L) as an alternative protein source in ruminant rations. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.7. pp.9
- Factors affecting the feed intake of buffalos in lactation and dry period. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.27. pp.38
- Use of immune stimulants in Transition dairy cows: A mini Review. International Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Congress. 14-15, April, 2015, Expo Centre Lahore-Pakistan. No.36. pp.49
- Use of tomato and its by-products as alternative feed resources and their nutritive value for livestock. International Livestock Nutrition Summit, 21-22 February 2017. UVAS, Lahore. Pp.34.
- Effect of feeding glycerol on healthy and economical milk production in ruminants. International Livestock Nutrition Summit, 21-22 February 2017. UVAS, Lahore. Pp.75.
- International Poultry EXPO 2017. EXPO center Lahore. 24-26 Aug 2017.
- 1st International Conference on Poultry Processing: Farm to Fork Management. 1-2 Nov 2017. Department of Pathology. UVAS, Lahore.
- Poultry Science Conference, 27-29 September 2018, Expo center Lahore.
- International Buffalo Congress. Organized by UVAS at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore. 18-19 Feb 2019.
- 4th International Conference on Food and Nutritional Security in changing climate. BZU, Multan. March 03-04, 2019.
- 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security under Changing Climate Scenarios (ICSA-2019). 3-5 April, 2019 at Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan.
- National Camel Conference. 25-06-2019, UAF.
- Poultry Science Conference, 13-15 September 2019, Expo center Lahore.
- 03 Days International Training Workshop on “Basic techniques in mesenchymal stem cell culture and toxicity assays” at University of Agriculture Faisalabad on 26-28 Feb 2019.
- “1st International Ruminant Nutrition Workshop” 17-18 Oct 2019 at CVAS, Jhang as organizing secretary of the event.
- Three days’ workshop on “Data Analysis” from 20th May to 22nd May, 2013 conducted by Bio-Statistical Consulting Center, UVAS Lahore at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang, Pakistan.
- Two days training workshop on “Use of EndNote X5 for Biomedical Researchers” held on 5th-6th April, 2013 conducted by College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang, Pakistan.
- Attended workshop/Seminar “Elsevier Writing Seminar” on Data Analysis at Afyon Kocatepe University, 25 sep 2013.
- 03 Days Workshop on "Inculcating New Practical Based Communication Skill for Teachers (12 to 14 April, 2017) at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore Sub Campus Jhang.
- 03 days hands on training on clinical veterinary medicine and animal sciences at UCVAS, IUB, Bahawalpur, 09-11 May 2017.
- Two days workshop/ hands on training on diagnostic imaging in small animals. College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang. Jan 25-26, 2018.
- 2nd International one day hands on training workshop on serum indirect ELISA for diagnosis Brucellosis. 01 Feb 2018.
- Enrichment in Scientific Writing Skills. College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang. 15 Feb 2018.
- One day hands on training on Genomic DNA Extraction and PCR use in Molecular Diagnostics. College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang. 27 Feb 2018.
- Parasitic Management and Health Care in companion Animals. 29 March 2018. Department of Pathology. College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang.
- Feed shortage issues and use of silage as dynamic tool to improve farm productivity” by department of Animal Sciences (Animal Nutrition) at University Of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang On august 07, 2018. (Organizer)
- Role of poultry in human nutrition and misconceptions about poultry” by department of Animal Sciences (Animal Nutrition) at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang On December 20, 2018. (Organizer).
- 01-day hands on training workshop on “Lab biosafety and biosecurity” at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Jhang on 13 Feb 2019.
- 03 Days International Training Workshop on “Basic techniques in mesenchymal stem cell culture and toxicity assays” at University of Agriculture Faisalabad on 26-28 Feb 2019.
Sr. No. |
Title |
Funding Agency |
Status |
Year |
Effects of Digestarom Dairy® Supplementation throughout Dry Period to Dairy Cows on Immunity of Mothers and Calves. |
Afyon Kocatepe University Directorate of Scientific Research Work Projects. |
Completed During PhD studies as member of team at Turkey. |
2015 |
Comparison between Anatolian Buffalo and Cow in rumen digestibility of pomegranate pulp, orange pulp and beet pulp. |
Afyon Kocatepe University Directorate of Scientific Research Work Projects. |
Completed during PhD studies as member of team at Turkey. |
2015 |
Effect of different levels of pistacia terebinthus on performance, egg quality traits, hematological and biochemical parameters in laying hens. |
Departmental |
Completed During PhD studies as member of team at Turkey. |
2016 |
Effect of mentha piperita (peppermint) extract and its juice on performance, egg quality traits, hematological and biochemical parameters in laying hens |
Afyon Kocatepe University Directorate of Scientific Research Work Projects. |
Completed During PhD studies as member of team at Turkey. |
2016 |
Effect of Essential Oils blend and organic acid on performance, meat quality, blood chemistry and Intestinal characteristics in Broiler. |
HEC, Government of Pakistan (5000 USD) |
Completed As PI |
2018 |
Comparative evaluation of nutrient digestibility of different feed stuffs by In-Situ method and artificial rumen digestibility method to develop feeding standards of adult Nili-Ravi buffalo |
HEC, Government of Pakistan |
Ongoing (PI) |
2019 |
Role |
M.Phil in Progress |
M.Phil Produced |
Supervisor |
05 |
06 |
Thesis Supervision and Co-Supervision
- Ms. Huma Kalsoom
Evaluation of dried citrus pulp based total mixed ration (TMR) for mutton (goat) production. 2020. Dissertation, UVAS, Lahore.
- Mr. Zaman Zahid
Comparative evaluation of nutrient digestibility of agro-industrial waste by In-situ and artificial rumen method in buffalo. 2020. Dissertation, UVAS, Lahore.
- Mr. M Asad Siddique
Effect of probiotics on bone health, gut morphology, caecal microbiota and performance in broiler. 2020. Dissertation, UVAS, Lahore.
- Mr. Haris Iqbal
Effect of essential oil and organic acids on performance, gut health, bacterial count and serological parameters in broiler. 2020. Dissertation, UVAS, Lahore.
- Mr. Muhammad Umair Asghar
Exploration of Zingiber officinale powder effects on performance, serum constituents and gut morphology in broilers. 2020. Dissertation, UVAS, Lahore.
- Ms. Kinza Saleem (Co-Supervised)
Exploring the Effects of Organic Acids Supplementation on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Caecal Microbiota and Gut Morphology in Broilers (Cobb 500). 2018. Dissertation, UVAS, Lahore.
- NESTLE Medal and Cash Award, in M.Phil (Animal Nutrition), UVAS, Lahore (2012).
- Merit Scholarship from Turkish Government for International Students for PhD (BIDEB TUBITAK) (2013-2016).