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Department of Economics and Business Management
Department of Economics and Business Management (DEBM)
has a strong commitment to
foster a research culture through their 7-years old Management Research Projects (MRP) in
their MBA and MBAE programs. However, the MRP’s prime objective is to only provide the
research-based management consultancies to one specific corporate firm. Such projects may
minimize the opportunities for the young researcher to conduct some industry -level applied
research particularly in the field of livestock, poultry, fisheries and their allied industries.
Therefore, the M.Phil degree program in business management may provide maximum
opportunities to conduct applied research keeping in view the indus try’s real issues and
providing their research-based solutions.
It has also been witnessed for the past few years that research orientation has shown
remarkable growth in academic sector. Both public and private sector universities have
transformed their learning provision mechanism towards research based degree programs.
Industries are also focusing on innovation and creativity and their demand for human resource
in research and development has increased. Currently the outcome of research -based degree
programs from different public and private sector institutes might not satisfying needs of
industry and academia, owing to which, many institutes initiating M.Phil degree programs in
business-related domains. Keeping in view the demand and quality gaps, the DEBM is going to
launch M.Phil degree program. This postgraduate program is first of its kind in universities
specialized in Life Sciences such as UVAS.
M.Phil Bussiness Administration: