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preserving the biodiversity, the mandate of the 21st century. This historical mandate is broadening to
encompass other environmental concerns such as species at risk, sustainability and endangered habitats.
We firmly believe that adverse effects of climate change, habitat loss and resulting biodiversity loss can
only be minimized if not stopped completely by networking of Higher Education Institutions of the world
engaged in biodiversity conservation. Department of Wildlife and Ecology has established link with
Center for Environment and Society, School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, UK in second
round of Higher Education Commission-British Council-Joint Link Program (HEC-BC- JHELP).
Establishment of DelPHE (Developing partnership in Higher Education) link is another great achievement
of this Department.
The core objectives of the department are
To conserve natural heritage of the country, dynamism of ecosystems and species
threatened with risk of extinction.
To apply knowledge for analyzing, designing and implementing wildlife management
programs in the country.
To develop skills in sourcing information, analyzing key points and synthesizing an
integrated report on key issues associated with the conservation of habitats and species
under consideration.
To develop sufficient quantitative and qualitative analytical and critical thinking skills for
effective problem solving.
Manage habitat and populations to protect flora and fauna listed as threatened or
To manage other resources in ways that provide habitat needs of desired wildlife species,
considering the species and the entire property.
Technical assistance is provided to consultants for designing and implementation of
wildlife management plan.
After completing the degree students will be able to apply their knowledge to the respective fields