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Developing Knowledge-based Economy
Knowledge & Research Exchange with Stakeholders
Sharing knowledge with and disseminating research to the industry and
stakeholders significantly contribute towards economic growth. UVAS has
developed strong mechanism of industrial linkages to share knowledge,
exchange ideas and disseminate research outcomes for the wider benefit. In
collaboration with relevant stakeholders, UVAS has established Dairy Club and
Poultry Club. Regular meetings of these clubs are convened and are attended by
University faculty & researchers, industry experts, farmers and stakeholders. It provides a
platform where researchers present their research outcomes while industry experts share their
experiences on a certain topic. The knowledge exchange and research dissemination through
these initiatives has proved to be worthwhile for sectors' development.
UVAS has also created dedicated section at its website for advisory services that contains wide
ranging technical & extension material and useful information & data for access of general public.
In collaboration with USAID Punjab Enabling Environment Project (PEEP), UVAS has established
Center for Applied Policy Research in Livestock (CAPRIL) for providing advanced policy
research directly impacting the economic development.
Knowledge Transfer